Word Macro Selected Text
This simple macro will add a table to your Word document. While flag True.
RngSelect SelectionCopy SelectionDelete rngSelect SelectionStyle ActiveDocumentStylesNormal SelectionDelete SelectionCollapse DirectionwdCollapseStart SelectionRangePasteSpecial DataTypewdPasteText Next End Sub.

Word macro selected text. Add Heading 9 to the Case statement. For a Microsoft Word 98 version of this article see 183643. When you set this property the text of the range or selection is replaced.
OptionsReplaceSelection True ActiveDocumentSentences1Select SelectionTypeText Material below is confidential. With ActiveDocumentTables1Cell1 1 RangeDelete RangeInsertBefore Sales ColumnSort End With. Its less important than it sounds because you cant directly access.
For example a space character. You might want to select text until you reach a certain character. The code below selects text until a space character is reached.
This macro will select the first table in the active Word document. The Select method is then applied to the Range object. ActiveDocumentTables1Columns1Select Use the Column property with a Cell object to return a Column object.
This macro selects the first two words in the active document and applies bold formatting to them. Sub SelectRange Dim rngParagraphs As Range Set rngParagraphs ActiveDocumentRange _ StartActiveDocumentParagraphs1RangeStart _ EndActiveDocumentParagraphs4RangeEnd rngParagraphsSelect End Sub For more information see Working with the Selection object. What you could do is to.
SelectionMoveRight UnitwdCharacter Count1 _. Sub VerySimpleTableAdd Dim oTable As Table Set oTable ActiveDocumentTablesAddRangeSelectionRange NumRows3 NumColumns3 End Sub Select Table in Word. Range and Selection are probably the most important objects in Word VBA certainly the most used.
Sub test Dim flag As Boolean. The Selection object has various methods and properties with which you can edit selected text in a document. The following sample macro searches for a specified paragraph style in a Microsoft Word 2002 Microsoft Office Word 2003 or Microsoft Office Word 2007 document and adds text to the beginning of each occurrence that it finds.
Sub Macro SelectionHomeKey UnitwdStory SelectionMoveRight UnitwdWord Count2 ExtendwdExtend SelectionFontBold wdToggle End Sub. Sub a a Macro SelectionFindClearFormatting SelectionFindReplacementClearFormatting SelectionFindReplacementFontBold True With SelectionFind Text 0-91 ReplacementText Forward True Wrap wdFindContinue Format True MatchCase False MatchWholeWord False MatchAllWordForms False MatchSoundsLike False MatchWildcards True End With SelectionFindExecute SelectionFindExecute ReplacewdReplaceAll End Sub. Paragraphs represent paragraphs in document.
Run the macro twice the first time with Style Heading 8 and the second time with Style Heading 7. Range refers to some portion of document usually but not necessarily text. It works perfectly when i run it directly from visual basic but when I click the button the button gets the focus and my text is no longer selected so the macro change the selected element to button.
This example displays the text in the selection. Add Table to Word Document. If ReplaceSelection property is False the specified text is inserted before the selection.
The following example deletes the text in cell one inserts new text and then sorts the entire column. Expression A variable that represents a Selection object. If the ReplaceSelection property is True the selection is replaced by the specified text.
I need the above to work with a special paste. The Text property returns the plain unformatted text of the selection. As you say this only works with normal paste.
If you want to preserve Heading 9 and the text associated with it but not Heading 8 and its text that makes things much more complicated for the macro. If nothing is selected the character following the insertion point is displayed. Using the Selection object and the TypeText method Inserts the specified text.
Replaceparentheses Macro With SelectionFind ClearFormatting ReplacementClearFormatting Text ReplacementText Forward True Wrap wdFindStop Format False MatchCase False MatchWholeWord False MatchWildcards False MatchSoundsLike False MatchAllWordForms False Execute ReplacewdReplaceAll End With. Sub ScratchMacro A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey Dim oRng As WordRange Set oRng SelectionRange oRngPaste oRngSelect End Sub The above works well Greg thanks. Selection refers to selected text or other object like pictures or if nothing is selected an insertion point.
I have a macro that changes the selected text and I have it assigned to a button. SelectionCollapse DirectionwdCollapseStart Set rng SelectionTables1Cellrow Column2Range For each toggle text in rightmost cell. The following example selects the first sentence in the active document and replaces it with a new paragraph.
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